Is the Consumer really a King today?

The two day Conference on Friday, 16th & Saturday 17th March 2012
Venue: Le Meridian Hotel, Chennai
Theme:  Is the Consumer really a King today?

Day I – Friday, 16th March 2012

8.30 am to 9.30 am                 Registration

9.30 am to 11.00 am               Inaugural Session:
                                                -  Welcome Address by R.Desikan
                                                -  AV presentation on CAI
-  Address by Dato Indrani Thuraisingam, Consumers International, UK
-  Keynote Address  – Mrs Nirmala, Secretar, Ministry of Con. Affairs TN
   Special Address by Mr. S. Sridhar, former CMD, Central Bank of India
- Vote of Thanks by G.Rajan

11.30 am to 1.00 pm               Plenary Session I
Topic: Law and Consumer – Impact of various consumer laws on the consumers in the country
Chairman: Dato Dr. Sothi Rachagan, Vice President, Academic  Affairs
Nilai University College,  Kuala Lumpur
                                                Speakers: N L Rajah, CAG, Chennai
                                                                            Shirish Deshpande, MGP, Mumbai
                                                                            S Martin, Consumer Activist, Trichy
                                                (Presentation followed by Q&A)

2.00 pm to 3.30 pm                 Plenary Session II
Topic: Are the corporates delivering what they promise to the consumers (FMCG products)
                                                Chairman : Chris Evans, Consultant, Consumer Product safety, UK
                                                      Speakers: Sudhansu Vats, HUL
                                                                 S Visvanathan, CavinKare
                                                                               Third speaker to be identified
                                                (Presentation followed by Q&A)

4.00 pm to 5.30 pm                 Panel Discussion
                                     Topic: Advertising in a Competitive Economy – A friend or foe?                                                                             Moderator: Mr. S.K. Swamy, RK Swamy BBDO
 Panelists: I Venkat, (ASCI)
                                                                             Mr. A. M. Swaminathan,I.A.S. Retd.
                                                                              Third panelist to be identified

Day II – Saturday, 17th March 2012

9.30 am – 11.00 am                 Plenary Session III
Topic: Are the corporates delivering what they promise to the customers (Consumer Durables)
Chairman: Dr.  Pieter Sieber, Consultant, Consumer Product Safety Testing, Germany
Speakers: K B Srinivasan, TII
                   S.Bandi – Panasonic-TBC
                    Vivdek Balasubramaniam – TBC
                                                (Presentation followed by Q&A)

11.30 am to 1.00 pm               Plenary Session IV
Topic: Are the corporates delivering what they promise to the customers (Services Sector – Bank / Insurance / Telecom/ Airlines)
                                                Chairman:  Prof. Dr. V. Kesava Rao, Professor of Law, Vizag
Speakers: Mr. Chakravarti, Shriram City Union Finance
                 Mr. G Srinivasan,  CMD, United India Insurance Co.
                 Mr.  P. R.  Sethuraman, Aircel Ltd.
 (Presentation followed by Q&A)

2.15 pm to 3.00 pm                 Awards Function
                                                -  Brief introduction about the Distinguished Service Awards –
   S Ramakrishnan, IAS
- Reading of Citations by S.Ramani (follwd. by Distribution of Awards                                                 
   Report on School Elocution Contests – Kalyani Rajaraman
                                                -  Distribution of Laptops and Mobiles to student winners
                                                - Other service awards- Nirmala Desikan

3.30 pm to 5.00 pm                 Special address on ` Way Ahead for Consumer Protection in India `
by Mr. Umashankar Venkatesh
Summing Up by Mr. K Sridhar, retired Managing Director, LIC of india., retired insurance Ombudsman Chennai.
Valedictory Address by Hon. Minister of State K V Thomas, Ministry of Consumer Affairs

5.00 pm to 5.05 pm                 Vote of Thanks b y R.V.Rajan


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