Showing posts with label Terminology - Financial Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terminology - Financial Planning. Show all posts

Who is Portfolio Manager and Which amount they managed in India?

Who is Portfolio Manager and Which amount they managed in India?
Who is Portfolio Manager and Which amount they managed in India?  A portfolio manager is a body corporate who advises or / directs or / undertakes on behalf of the client, the management of a portfolio of securities or the funds of the client. According to the Securities and …

Open New Pension Account use Aadhaar eKYC..!

Open New Pension Account use Aadhaar eKYC..!
Open New Pension Account use Aadhaar eKYC..! E-authentication technique using Aadhaar eKYC services is legally valid authentication. E-authentication technique using Aadhaar eKYC services is legally valid authentication. New subscribers of National Pension System (NPS) will n…

Definition of Financially Stable People

Definition of Financially Stable People
Definition of Financially Stable People F inancially stable people are those who are in control of their money instead of  the money governing them.  Their revenue does not essentially decide how financially successful they are, their selections and significances do. This is on…

Terminology - Financial Planning: Debt Restructuring

Terminology - Financial Planning: Debt Restructuring
Terminology - Financial Planning:  Debt Restructuring Normally personal finance portfolios have various liabilities - housing loan, personal loan, mortgage loan, credit card loans. They all have different rates of interest, diminishing balance versus (Vs) compound rates, fixe…

Terminology - Financial Planning - Financial Goal

Terminology - Financial Planning - Financial Goal
Terminology - Financial Planning :  Financial Goal Suppose you have a 2 year old son. You will require a corpus of money to send her to college say when he turns 17 years. And you as a parent likes him/her to pursue a professional qualification say, medicine, engineering etc.…

Terminology - Financial Planning

Terminology - Financial Planning
Terms  Financial planning Financial Planning / Life Cycle Plan Financial plan also known as life cycle plan takes your financial situation, your future financial requirements based on the your family life style, your expected growth in income levels and a view on the general …

CFGP - Chartered Financial Goal Planner..!

CFGP - Chartered Financial Goal Planner..!
CFGP stands for Chartered Financial Goal Planner.  This is level one of a three level program which we have signed up with the American Academy of Financial Management. Level one is called CFGP, level two will be Associate Wealth Manager and level three will be the Chartered…

What is The Best Financial Planning?

What is The Best Financial Planning?
What is financial planning? "The best financial plan has nothing to do with what the markets are doing,nothing to do with what your real estate agent is telling you,nothing to do with the hot stock your brother -in-law told you about. It has everything to do with what…

Financial planning for High Networth Individuals..!

Financial planning for High Networth Individuals..!
Financial planning for High N etworth Individuals ..! From UTI MF HIGH NETWORTH INDIVIDUALS (HNIs) COME WITH A POOL OF MONEY AND THEY DEMAND SPECIAL ATTENTION WHEN IT COMES TO FINANCIAL PLANNING The initial process of financial planning for a high networth individual (HNI) and a…

Terminology - Financial Planning - Account

Terminology - Financial Planning - Account
Terminology  - Account - Financial Planning, Economic A record of financial transactions for an asset or / individual, like at a bank, brokerage, credit card firm, or retail store. More generally, an arrangement between a buyer & a seller in which payments are to be made i…

Terminology - Financial Planning - Consumer Price Index

Terminology - Financial Planning - Consumer Price Index
Terminology - Financial Planning Consumer Price Index - CPI Consumer Price Index. An inflationary indicator that measures the change in the cost of a fixed basket of products & services, including housing, electricity, food, and transportation.  The CPI is published monthl…

Terminology - Financial Planning - Pension

Terminology - Financial Planning - Pension
Terminology - Financial Planning - Pension  .. Post-retirement benefits that an employee might receive from employer. A pension is essentially compensation received by the employee after she /he has retired.

What is Tactical Allocation?

More  financial advisors are asking their clients to make an extra `tactical allocation' to equity. They argue that like such an allocation made to debt a year ago, this strategy would also reward investors handsomely. Many individuals had increased their allocation to …

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